发布时间: 2020-08-04 10:26
Since 1980 we have become a significant force in the electrical accessory market. We’re proud to be a British based, family-run business, with an excellent track record of listening to what our customers need and providing the right solution every time.
High professionalism and quality have made us a distinguished company with total 3 subsidiaries, there are in England,Hongkong and one located China. we are ideally located to design, develop, manufacture and distribute our ever-expanding product range throughout the World.
Through our own brand of Reagee electrical and lighting products, we are committed to providing a comprehensive range of reliable, high quality and competitively priced products to our customers, whilst also offering a bespoke design and manufacture service to ensure we provide exactly the right solution and product for any installation or project. We're proud to say our customers can trust Reagee to get the job done
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2014年底,公司确定了东行西进,一体两翼的发展战略,在继续巩固昆山市场的基础上,在上海成立新的网络公司,向东边的上海和西边的苏州开拓市场。 那么问题来了。 新的名称用什...
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在中国,网站优化一般指百度优化。由于网页搜索是世界上最大的中文搜索引擎,其市场份额高于国内其他搜索引擎的总市场份额。所以 昆山 SEO 网站优化 该怎么办? 一 . 网站结构优...
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类别之二、品牌商务型网站 品牌商务型企业官网一般比较注重公司形象、文化的展示,通常拥有高端大气点的风格设计元素。这一类网站对网页设计的要求较高,特别是对 昆山网站制...
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